Showing posts with label gospel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gospel. Show all posts

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Not as Bad as You Think

Repentance, that is always a scary word it seems.  People fear it, others, in place of fear become angry with it.  Some accusingly see it as a religious control tactic, and others believe that if there is a real punishment for sin its through a simple confession or prayer and then God will simply beat us with a few stripes after which we will be saved in the kingdom forever.    I believe however, that when a person develops true faith, faith in Jesus Christ; they begin to see things in a different light.  I believe real sincere faith in a person will bring them to a point where they want to be different, where they want to be like Christ; so repentance then, becomes viewed differently.  It becomes seen not as a scary thing or matter of a checklist and Sunday confession after a party weekend.  It becomes rather an opportunity of choice, a gift, and that is what it became for me.

Thought for the day:  “Repentance is a divine gift, and there should be a smile on our faces when we speak of it. It points us to freedom, confidence, and peace. Rather than interrupting the celebration, the gift of repentance is the cause for true celebration.” – D Todd Christofferson

What is repentance?  The Guide to Scriptures gives us this definition:  “A change of mind and heart that brings a fresh attitude toward God, oneself, and life in general. Repentance implies that a person turns away from evil and turns his heart and will to God, submitting to God’s commandments and desires and forsaking sin. True repentance comes from a love for God and a sincere desire to obey his commandments. All accountable persons have sinned and must repent in order to progress toward salvation. Only through the atonement of Jesus Christ can our repentance become effective and accepted by God.”

Why repentance?  We come to earth for the purpose of growing and progressing. This is a lifelong process. During this time that we are here on earth,  we all sin. We all have need to repent. Sometimes we sin because of ignorance, sometimes because of our weaknesses, and sometimes because of willful disobedience. In the Bible we read that “there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not” and that “if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” Romans 3:23  Ecclesiastes 7:20  1 John 1:8. When we die, we will be returned to the presence of God Alma 40:11.  Thus we need repentance for “no unclean thing can dwell with God”.

I like to think of myself as a “just man”.  I never did harm, not intentionally I only wanted to do good.  Yet in my life there were times that I did sin.  Sometimes it was because of ignorance, sometimes it was due to weakness, and at other times it was pure wilful disobedience.  Even so, the more I developed faith, a testimony of the gospel and true love for Father in Heaven and his son Jesus Christ, the more I hated my choices, and I just couldn’t live with myself knowing that even though I had a change of heart and no longer made those choices or lived that lifestyle; still they lurked in the corners of my mind and around every bend I turned.  They brought upon my soul great grief and I was terribly troubled as I ministered to family members and friends sharing with them the Gospel.

I remember exactly when it began,  that I knew my good intentions were not enough; it was the day my husband was baptized.  As I watched him being immersed in the water, I found myself wishing it was me, wishing I could be new, that I could be rid of all that followed me, wishing that I could be the daughter of God I so desired and strived to be. I was active in the church, one hundred percent or more.  I lived the lifestyle of a Latter-day saint and I encouraged and begged my children and family to do the same.  I went so far as to bribe my oldest son, who was not living at home, with gas money.  If he would just please come to the baptism and support my husband whom we all loved, I would give him gas money for his car.  The baptism proved to be a very spiritual time for all of us but none more than my son I think, for when he came to me after the service to get his money,  he was crying.  I asked him what was wrong but he couldn’t talk, he just gave me a hug took his money and left.  Later on that evening he came to talk to me, about church.  He said he felt something that he’d never felt before and it burned within him, he believed, and he wanted to come back and start attending again and making things right.  I was never more happy than at that moment, and right away put him on the path back to his roots.  This is what made me think.  I had testified to my husband and shared with him the gospel and he was baptised.  I had testified time and again to my son and encouraged him to return and he was doing so; so how could I be a part of this newly forming eternal family if I wasn’t living the things I was teaching them.  I had to make myself right.  So began my journey of earnestly praying, with every fiber of my being.  With the deepest Godly sorrow falling upon my knees and seeking the guidance of Heavenly Father I repented to him of the things that made me feel bad, of the things that I carried.  Never before had I sought Heavenly Father in this manner.  Not because I didn’t want to but until I had a true change of heart that came with strengthened faith and Godly sorrow, I didn’t understand how to repent.  I discovered that it was much more than just confessing of my sins, it was about my broken heart…..

Through this time and these prayers the Lord, with such love, ministered to me and taught me the meaning of true repentance.  He taught me all that I needed to do and answered all my questions by literally answering my prayers even sometimes while I was still on my knees crying.  It was not a great cloud burst and visions of grandeur, it wasn’t as many preachers shout about at the pulpits of hell fire and brimstone.  But is was a quiet tender burning in my heart that was sent with messages to my mind and I knew, I KNEW, that He was real, the Savior was real,  and he was speaking to me and guiding me.  That He loved me and would hold me up while I did all that I could to live as he wanted me to live. I did not have to be afraid……

In our journey’s here upon the earth, no one is perfect, so Christ in his infinite mercy suffered and died that we may be offered the choice of repentance.  Though it is a gift, it is not an easy choice.  But when the desire hits you, and that great feeling of truth coupled with an overwhelming need for change comes, and you act upon it with the help and love of the Savior; it becomes a necessary road and a life changing experience.  There is no need to fear, there is no need to discredit the need for repentance, there is no need to turn away.  Rather let us receive it with faith and great thanksgiving.

Every time we sin, we die a little spiritually.  With each act that we let go on, the light falls away, little by little, until finally there is nothing but heaviness and darkness. What a gift Christ has given us through his Atoning sacrifice that we may not die fully but yet live.

Repentance is a different experience for each individual, and only God knows the hearts and minds of “men”.  But we should not be afraid or procrastinate.  Some, like I had; may have serious transgressions to work through, but all of us, everyone, are in need of a constant life long procession that includes making ourselves right before God through the Atoning Sacrifice of the Savior.  Daily.

There is much to understand in the repentance process and I hope as I take this time in sharing with you my personal journey it will touch your heart.  Please join me for my next blog that will continue with the principle and story of my road through repentance, for what you’ve read, was just the beginning, yet even now, I am a new woman…..

With Love

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Warmth of Light

Here we are at day 14, the last day of our challenge the last day of our walk with Jesus, but is it really?  Is it really our last day?  It doesn’t have to be, for everyday he walks with us.  So then, let us acknowledge His presence and welcome His company.  Let us continue this journey that we may gain greater light and knowledge, that we may live everyday with peace, with comfort, with hope……

If your just joining this series, this is a continuation of The Invitation, a  previously posted blog challenge to walk with Jesus.  Please feel free to read the other days and start at anytime! Incorporate this challenge to fit you!  Weekly, monthly, daily however it will work for you!   All material is original blog material written by Dixie. ( I just borrowed the idea ;)   Scripture suggestions are from my personal study, all thoughts and challenges are from my personal history and my future as I too continue to strive for more closeness to Christ.

Thought for the day:  As we acknowledge the presence of Christ in our life, let us realize that the light of Christ resides in all, in everyone that has ever been born.  It is an unconditional gift that is given to us freely, that we may endure this test of life, that we may know good from evil, that we may never be alone.
“The scriptures tell us that the Light of Christ, which “proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space,” is “the light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God.”  It is manifested in the light of the sun, moon, and stars and is the power by which they and the earth were made. It is also the light that quickens our understanding. the Light of Christ “is the agency of God’s power; it is the means and way whereby ‘he comprehendeth all things,’ so that ‘all things are before him, and all things are round about him.’ It is the way whereby ‘he is above all things, and in all things, and is through all things, and is round about all things. – Bruce R McConkie  
One manifestation of the light of Christ is conscience, which helps  us choose between right and wrong,  and as we learn more about the gospel, our consciences becomes more sensitive; giving us a desire to do good. This will help us understand truth and help to put us on that gospel path which leads to salvation. Greater understanding about the Light of Christ will come to us as we obey the Lord and seek knowledge with pure intent. While we are growing in such knowledge, our greatest concern and effort should be to listen to and follow the voice of the Spirit that we might do the will of our Father in Heaven, to accomplish what he would have us do.

So then let us come unto Christ, let us live so that we invite always his light to reside with us. As we live daily and struggle daily, let our goal be to keep our hearts open to the promptings of his spirit and choose the right which will strengthen us; and let our minds be filled with knowledge that we may never forget that we are not alone.  No matter what we struggle we are not alone, if we allow him, he will walk with us continually….

15 “For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night.
 16 For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.
 17 But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him.
 18 And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully; for with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged.
 19 Wherefore, I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently in the light of Christ that ye may know good from evil; and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will be a child of Christ.” – Moro. 7:15–19

Penny in the shoe: today, when you feel the penny in your shoe remember that no matter what you are struggling with, there is always hope, there is always hope if we come unto Christ….

Challenge for the day:  Choose Ye therefore Christ the Lord.  Live today so that anyone who sees you, who knows you, but doesn’t know him, will want to know him because they know you……

Suggested Scripture Reading: (reading made easy click to view) John 1:4–9 John 8:12 Ps. 27:1  Isa. 2:5  Isa. 60:19 John 3:19–21Alma 38:9

Journaling Thought: How has the last 14 days affected my life,  have I been more aware of His love?


With Love,

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Divinely Loved

Welcome to Day 13 

If your just joining this series; this is a continuation of The Invitation, a  previously posted blog challenge.  Please feel free to read the other days and start at anytime! Incorporate this challenge to fit you!  Weekly, monthly, daily however it will work for you!   All material is original blog material written by Dixie. ( I just borrowed the idea ;)   Scripture suggestions are from my personal study, all thoughts and challenges are from my personal history and my future as I too continue to strive for more closeness to Christ.

Thought for the day:  I have been taught and believe that each individual that has ever been born into this world bears a special relationship to deity, and has been the actual spiritual son or daughter of God the Father in the pre-mortal world of spirits.  This means that you are the offspring of Deity, literal descendants of a Divine Father, inheriting godly attributes and potential. Each individual has in them divine nature.  What is the divine nature? It is the nature of God. It is the nature, perfection, personality, glory, power, and holiness not only of the Father but also of the Son, Jesus Christ, for he has partaken of the “fulness” and has become like the Father in every respect. We are promised that, since Christ has obtained this fulness, we, through obedience to him, may ultimately do so also.  In another sense, however, because we have not yet fully become like Heavenly Father, divine nature is something we must “be partakers of,”   The Apostle Peter gives us an understanding of what it means to “be partakers of Divine Nature”,  it is escaping “the corruption that is in the world through lust.”  To rise above the temporal and sensual and partake of the divine spirit of God.  To walk as Jesus walks, to walk with him…..Peter specifies faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity  these are not demonstrated in perfection by fallen mankind here below, but by the Father and Son who are above. Yet, we are to obtain these qualities too, somehow, and become perfect therein. As you learn about God and then strive to become like him, you can actually draw down the powers of heaven to help you act more like Jesus Christ here and now thus developing your divine nature.

“When through the Gospel, the Spirit in man has so subdued the flesh that he can live without wilful transgression, the Spirit of God unites with his spirit, they become congenial companions, and the mind and will of the Creator is thus transmitted to the creature.”- Brigham Young

Penny in the shoe:  as you feel the penny in your shoe today remember that,  YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD….literally…..he knows you personally, he knows what you go through, he knows of your pain, he is aware to your needs….

Challenge for the day:  develope your divine nature, it is what brings you closer to Christ.  But keep in mind as you do that we have the specific characteristics of the divine nature laid out in the scriptures; however, it is a lifelong matter of faith and diligence. But it is also a matter of divine assistance, involving a personal relationship with Christ; and a study of Peter will show you that, divine nature of the Father and the Son are well within your reach. The process is just as real and operable as you are willing for it to be in your life.

For the daily challenge consider these questions and find an area to begin work on, TODAY…..

Am I striving continually to control any undesirable thoughts that would have produced unrighteous action.
During this past week, have I read the scriptures.
Am I moderate with the things that I do, including eating, internet, video games, tv, and the like….it is not good to overdo anything and takes away from the spirit.
Am I able to forebear against retaliating by words or actions.
Am I sincerely striving to become like God in my speech and actions.
Does Love of Jesus Christ prevail in the way I speak and treat others

Suggested Scripture Study: (reading made easy click to view) 2 Peter 1:4–8  2 Thessalonians 2:13,  Philippians 4:13. 2 Peter 1:5–7 Matthew 5:48

Journaling Thought:  Can you remember a time when you felt the love of the Lord just for you, as your elder brother…..

“Remember Who You Are”

About the time I turned 14 years old, my mother started talking in code. Just as I would run out the door for some new adventure with my friends, she would call out, “Remember who you are!”
I wasn’t quite sure what she meant by that, but I would pretend to understand and yell over my shoulder, “OK, Mom. Bye!” At times I would think about her coded message. What was she trying to say? I knew who I was. So what?
As I was growing up, life with my family was not always pleasant. After one particularly bad night, I remember staring at myself in the mirror, hardly recognizing the reflection staring back at me because my face was red from my father’s repeated slaps. I started crying, not knowing what to do or think. I thought about running away. Even worse, ideas of ending my unhappy life came into my confused mind.
At no other time—before or since—have I felt so alone. I felt worn out, almost willing to let the surrounding darkness take over. I looked into the mirror once more. I don’t even know myself, I cried inwardly. Then I heard my mother’s phrase repeated clearly and distinctly in my mind: Remember who you are! Remember who you are!
For the first time, I realized what my mother meant. She wanted me to remember my divine heritage. A phrase from the Primary song echoed in my mind: “I am a child of God” (Hymns, number 301). That sudden reminder helped me fight Satan’s temptation to do something foolish. The knowledge that my nature was divine would help me endure; my mother understood that, and I know she hoped that someday I would as well.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the perfect example of one who understood His divine heritage. The scriptures tell us that in His youth He “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52). The more His understanding grew, the better prepared He was to fulfill His role as the Savior of the world.
We will not be called upon to suffer as Jesus Christ did. But to help us overcome our trials, Heavenly Father has given us tools that can increase our understanding of our divine heritage. From the scriptures, we learn how others have recognized their roles as sons and daughters of God and have acted accordingly. From living prophets, we learn of our divine nature and potential. Through the priesthood, we can receive inspired blessings that remind us of our relationship to Heavenly Father. In the temple, we are instructed as we participate in sacred ordinances. And through prayer, we can obtain the help we need when we forget who we are.
The years following the night I figured out my mother’s code were difficult. But recognizing my divine nature helped me view my challenges with an eternal perspective. This knowledge eventually led me to marry in the temple and to work with my husband to rear a family firmly grounded in the gospel.
I still think often about my mother’s words. At times I have imagined a final moment with Heavenly Father before I departed for earth. I like to picture Him embracing me and urging me on with a few last words of advice: “Remember who you are!”

With Love from Dixie…..

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hope of Things not Seen

This is a continuation of The Invitation, a  previously posted blog challenge.  We are now on Day 11.  Please feel free to read the other days and start at anytime! Incorporate this challenge to fit you!  Weekly, monthly, daily however it will work for you!   All material is original blog material written by Dixie. ( I just borrowed the idea ;)   Scripture suggestions are from my personal study, all thoughts and challenges are from my personal history and my future as I too continue to strive for more closeness to Christ.  

Thought for the day:   Would we work each day if we did not hope that by doing so we could accomplish something? Each day we act upon things we hope for when we cannot see the end result. This is faith.  Faith is a strong belief of truth within our souls that motivates us to do good.

To have faith in Jesus Christ means to have such trust in Him that we obey whatever He commands. As we place our faith in Jesus Christ, becoming His obedient disciples, Heavenly Father will forgive our sins and prepare us to return to Him.  The Savior teaches us that if we have faith as the grain of a mustard seed, nothing shall be impossible to you.  A mustard seed is very small but, grows into a large tree.  Thus the lesson is we should increase our faith, the more faith we have, the stronger faith we have, the better we will be.

How do we increase our faith?  We study, we pray, we work on it.  We increase our faith by acting on our desire to have faith.  But keep in mind "faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone” (James 2:17)  “There must be works with faith. How foolish it would be to ask the Lord to give us knowledge, but how wise to ask the Lord’s help to acquire knowledge, to study constructively, to think clearly, and to retain things that we have learned” ......…"know this, that just as undaunted faith has stopped the mouths of lions, made ineffective fiery flames, opened dry corridors through rivers and seas, protected against deluge and drouth, and brought heavenly manifestations at the instance of prophets, so in each of our lives faith can heal the sick, bring comfort to those who mourn, strengthen resolve against temptation, relieve from the bondage of harmful habits, lend strength to repent and change our lives, and lead to a sure knowledge of the divinity of Jesus Christ. Indomitable faith can help us live the commandments with a willing heart and thereby bring blessings unnumbered. …”-Spencer W Kimball

Penny in the shoe:  as you feel the penny in your shoe, think about your everyday activities. What are things you act upon each day that you cannot see the end results of? How does faith move you to action?

Challenge for the day:   Act on your desire to have faith or to increase and strengthen your faith.  An important way to increase our faith is to hear and study the word of the Lord as well as improving daily in living the commandments.

“In faith we plant the seed, and soon we see the miracle of the blossoming. Men have often misunderstood and have reversed the process.... many of us want to have health and strength without keeping the health laws. We want to have prosperity without paying our tithes. We want to be close to the Lord but don’t want to fast and pray. We want to have rain in due season and to have peace in the land without observing the Sabbath as a holy day and without keeping the other commandments of the Lord.-Spencer W. Kimball

Suggested Scripture Study:  (reading made easy just click to view) 
Hebrews 11  Exodus 14:19–22   Genesis 6–8   Matthew 8:5–33   Mark 5:25–34   Romans 10:17   Alma 32

Journaling Thought:  What relationship do you see between your faith and your actions?

"Finding Faith in Christ" is a short film below that  I hope will touch your heart, and put us on our way to finding more faith in Christ......

Love from Dixie

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

It's Personal

This is a continuation of The Invitation, a  previously posted blog challenge.  We are now on Day 9.  Please feel free to read the other days and start at anytime! Incorporate this challenge to fit you!  Weekly, monthly, daily however it will work for you!   All material is original blog material written by Dixie. ( I just borrowed the idea ;)   Scripture suggestions are from my personal study, all thoughts and challenges are from my personal history and my future as I too continue to strive for more closeness to Christ. 

Thought for the day:    Forgiveness is a delicate subject, and one difficult to talk about for when we or our family members have been hurt or wronged or tragedy strikes, it can be a blinding pain to the soul. And again because we are mortal right now and have to remind ourselves to think eternally, many times we need to deal with our pain or loss. But sometimes in dealing with our feelings we talk ourselves into a procrastination and find reasons for putting off or postponing forgiveness with excuses and justification for being angry. We may be waiting for the wrong doers to repent before we forgive them, or maybe we are holding a grudge forgetting that the courageous thing to do would be to forgive. But it seems that when the innocent have been hurt or die usually we don't think of forgiveness first. Instead we become angry and feel justified to get even, thus, even though it is a delicate subject, it becomes a subject that we need to frequently revisit and strengthen.
James E Faust he gives a definition of forgiveness saying that "Forgiveness is freeing up and putting to better use grudges, harboring resentments, and nursing unhealed wounds. It is rediscovering the strengths we always had, and relocating our limitless capacity to understand and accept other people and ourselves."
We know that all of us, everyone, suffers from things that can't be understood or explained. We may never know why some things happen and sometimes more than not, those reasons are only known by the Lord. Even so, we must valiantly endure them for they are given for our benefit, they are given, for our salvation.

Penny in the shoe:  Whenever you feel the penny today in your shoe, think about all the times you have asked Heavenly Father forgiveness...

Challenge for the day:  Let it go.....begin to let it go....and remember, we all have cracks in ourselves, and we are all trying to do our best, even those who have offended you, are trying in their life and in their way to do their best.  After all we can do, through the Atonement, Christ makes our best perfect, for everyone. So let us forgive, even as he does....

“There is no peace in harboring old grudges. There is no peace in reflecting on the pain of old wounds. There is peace only in repentance and forgiveness. This is the sweet peace of the Christ, who said, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God’ (Matthew 5:9)” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1980, 88; or Ensign, Nov. 1980, 63).- Gordon B Hinkley

Suggested Scripture Reading: (reading made easy just click to view)  Genesis 45:1–15Matthew 5:43–45  Luke 15:11–32Doctrine and Covenants 64:9–10

Journaling Thought:  How do I feel at the end of the day, when all is said and done....

My Personal Story:
I know that in my past at times, I haven't always made the right or even good decisions and I'm almost certain that those particular decisions have hurt or wronged someone that maybe was in my path. The hurt and pain I may have caused was most likely unintentional and if it ever was intentional I can say it happened because I truly didn't know any better. I wasn't converted to the gospel or trusting in the Lord, I was living a worldly life. After turning my life around my thoughts and actions have become different and now I know and feel when something isn't right or I've done something wrong or if I am wrong in my actions toward others. And as I think back and remember the past, it is my sincere desire that anyone whom I might have hurt or wronged will forgive me. At the same time, through those years, there were many occasions when I myself was the victim and I was greatly hurt and sometimes even traumatized but if I, as a daughter of God, wish to be forgiven and come clean and whole to heavenly father, I must examine my thoughts and feelings toward others and I too must forgive. I also had the thought that, if we, who are converted to the gospel and have faith and the Holy Ghost have a hard time with this principle, how does someone without these things living in the world face forgiving. So then how can I not forgive, for I too was once there. If we, as Christians want to be forgiven when we have inappropriate thoughts or actions towards another we must forgive our offenders, even if they never know that they have offended us, even if they never apologize, even if they never repent. We must forgive with our hearts and remember it no more.

When we exercise faith and trust in the Lord, the principle of forgiving becomes much easier. Our true faith can enable us to withstand even the worst of enemies as well as provide us with the wonderful gift of a chance to look beyond ourselves, to think eternally, to in our heart of hearts, forgive. If we do this for those who have caused us hurt we will gain a greater self esteem because people who are taught to forgive become less angry, they have more hope, and are less anxious or stressed and I can personally say this is true because as I daily examine myself and make a true effort I change and become a new woman.
It's not that easy you may say, how can this be done you may ask, as this is a great thing that is asked of me. But if we humble ourselves and acknowledge our anger then get on our knees and ask Heavenly father for a feeling of forgiveness, it will come. And as we rid ourselves of hatred and bitterness, we open ourselves for the Lord to provide comfort and peace.

The following has been some of the best advice and teaching I have ever received and I know without a doubt James Faust speaks the truth when he says: "Forgiveness is a source of power, but it does not relieve consequences. When tragedy strikes we should not respond by seeking personal revenge but rather let justice take its course and then let go. It is not easy to let go and empty our hearts of festering resentment. The savior has offered us precious peace through the atonement but this can only come as we are willing to cast out negative feelings of anger spite or revenge. For all of us who forgive those who trespass against us, even those who have committed serious crimes, the atonement brings a measure of peace and comfort." And I believe he is referring to any trespass for even the smallest of things can fester up and cause great unhappiness in our lives...

Now I'm going to tell you why I wrote this blog, awhile back,  I was asked to speak and given this topic...just three days before I was asked to speak I had been driving with my daughter tena to cedar hill and along the way on highway 67 we passed a School where my middle son Bryan attended for middle school. He attended that school because he had ADHD and back in the day before there were so many resources and help many didn't understand what students needed and the student almost always had a hard time and wound up in trouble. My son Bryan was no exception he had a really hard time and the two principles at his original school and myself didn't agree on his measure of help, care and discipline so I moved him to another school, the one we had passed while driving. Later when Bryan went to high school I brought him back to our home school district to attend and wouldn't you know it the two principles for his ninth grade year changed and those two that we had trouble with were now back in our lives. We honestly and truly tried our best to work with everyone, and though Bryan struggled he really did try his best to behave and pass his classes. Unfortunately many times in life one's past troubles carry through to the future and no matter what we did to try and get through the year and stay out of trouble it was not accepted by the principles and eventually Bryan dropped out. He didn't drop out without remorse though for he truly just wanted to be a normal high school boy and he wanted his diploma but there was just no way that was going to happen for many reasons but the main one was that he was called names and degraded by the adults in charge and we just couldn't fight. About a year after he had dropped out a new school was put together that encouraged students who had dropped out or who had trouble to go back and receive their diploma. Bryan was so excited and so was I and we went to the school to apply and see if he could attend. We filled out all the paper work and waited to see the principle for his interview and when the doors opened and the man staring at us was one of the very principles we had been trying to escape, our hearts sank and we knew it was over. The man laughed at us, he actually laughed at us and told Bryan in front of me that he was a hopeless case and had no business in that school or any school and dismissed us without further words. For many nights after in the next two years to come I sat with my son holding him while he cried and I listened to him on the phone cry to me about how worthless he was and that he would never amount to anything, and, I counseled him many times while praying for help for he would tell me of how he just wanted to end his life for he was no good and would never amount to anything and the pain was just too much to handle. Two years later, after the school rejection, and many other incidents, Bryan died as a result of suicide. This is the memory that rang through my mind as Tena and I passed by the school where he attended and lost in thought I missed my exit and Tena asked what was wrong. I told her that we were passing the school and I told her of my memories of why he had to go there and then it happened...I said and I quote " I wish I could find those two principles and go and look in their eyes and say to them are you happy now, Bryan is not here anymore to live his life because of People like you..." Tena immediately turned to me and said mom no, you know you don't believe that way and you know that's not right, and I know this is not you at all or what you believe, or what you've taught us and shown us, I know you don't mean what you said, just let it go and don't think about it ever again.....She was right for the moment the words had come out of my mouth I knew I was wrong and I had a great remorse at having said them and at having been a bad example for her but it happened so fast because of my pain and the words just flew from my mouth.  Later that evening I tearfully sought Heavenly father, for I know that those two men and anyone else I've ever had a bad thought about are Heavenly father's children they too are eternal beings and kept their first estate and came to this earth just like I did so I must rid myself of negative resentments and continue in my prayers for help because I really don't believe that way, but sometimes, even when we try so hard to live righteously, we can be caught off guard and fall into worldly thinking ....even so though, there was some good that came of this, because this was the first time in the three years since Bryan died that my daughter had ever heard me say something like that. I had done my best to exercise my faith and trust in heavenly father to relieve me of the pain, my daughter had seen this and she remembered it and she helped me when I not only was my life touched but so was hers..

May your heart be touched by my personal story, and may we all learn to forgive, even as Christ forgives...

With Love from Dixie....

Monday, February 9, 2015

Be not afraid, Only believe......

This is a continuation of The Invitation, a  previously posted blog challenge.  We are now on Day 8.  Please feel free to read the other days and start at anytime! Incorporate this challenge to fit you!  Weekly, monthly, daily however it will work for you!   All material is original blog material written by Dixie. ( I just borrowed the idea ;)   Scripture suggestions are from my personal study, all thoughts and challenges are from my personal history and my future as I too continue to strive for more closeness to Christ.

Thought for the day:  In order to walk with Christ, we must not only appreciate what he has done for us, but also to understand it.  The Atonement, the greatest gift to mankind, its what we need to believe in.  Yet, beliving in and then accepting the Atonment requres a special effort, but it is something we must do, we must not be afraid to believe.  The Atonement is the sacrifice Jesus Christ made to help us overcome sin, adversity, and death. Jesus’s atoning sacrifice took place in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross at Calvary. He paid the price for our sins, took upon Himself death, and was resurrected. The Atonement is the supreme expression of the love of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  We refer to Christ as our great Redeemer.  In the Guide to the scriptures this is the definition of redeem:  To deliver, to purchase, or to ransom, such as to free a person from bondage by payment. Redemption refers to the atonement of Jesus Christ and to deliverance from sin. Jesus’ atonement redeems all mankind from physical death. Through his atonement, those who have faith in him and who repent are also redeemed from spiritual death.  Atonement in the Bible Dictionary means To reconcile man to God.  As you study and ponder today think about these key principles of the Atonment:

All that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

 The Atonment helps us to overcome the “natural man” and become true diciples of Christ.

The Atonment is evidence of the love Heavely Father has for us.

Penny in the shoe: everytime you feel the penny in your shoe today, think about the Atonment, in a real literal sense, think about it as if it actually happened, because it did…..

Challenge for the day:  Prayer.  Humbly pray to Father in Heaven and ask him for a wittness of the truth of the Atonement of his son Jesus Christ, ask him for guidence in understanding.  Think about what the attonment has done for you in your life, or what it can do for you in your life, think about its inclusiveness for loss, disappointment, discouragment, forgiveness, pain, heartache and so on…….

Suggessted Scripture Reading (reading made easy just click to view) :Romans 5:8, 10–11   View Matthew 4   View John 13

Journaling Thought:   Some feel weighed down with discouragement about the circumstances of their personal lives, even when they are making sustained and admirable efforts. Frequently, these feelings of self-disappointment come not from wrongdoing, but from stresses and troubles for which we may not be fully to blame. The Atonement of Jesus Christ applies to these experiences because it applies to all of life. The Savior can wipe away all of our tears, after all we can do.- Bruce C. Hafen

Visual Effects: 


My Lesson on the Atonement

I had been praying over a period of several weeks to better understand the Atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ. One morning while helping my young son Kyle get ready for school, I found myself growing impatient as time drew near to catch the school bus and he wasn’t ready. A neighbor girl stopped by to walk with Kyle to the bus stop. Worried she might miss the bus, I sent her ahead. This meant Kyle would also have to walk alone, and he complained bitterly to me.
I knelt down and looked him in the eye and roughly scolded him for taking so long to get ready and then complaining to me about walking alone. As I looked at him, I saw his eyes fill with tears, and he pulled his hat down over his eyes so he wouldn’t have to look at my angry face. I realized how vulnerable and tender children are and how loud and reproving I had been. I stopped and tried to apologize, helped him get his boots on, and sent him off to school.
As I watched this discouraged little person run for the bus stop, I thought of my inappropriate actions. Of all places and all people in this world, home and mother should be a refuge—a place to find peace and love. I berated myself for my carelessness and failings as a mother and felt absolutely terrible.
Suddenly a gentle and loving thought came into my mind: this is what the Atonement is for. Tears came, and I prayed for forgiveness. I pleaded with Heavenly Father to bless my son so he would not suffer for my mistakes. I still felt sad, but I knew that through the Atonement things could be made right again.
Weeks later I shared this insight with a friend. As I talked, I pondered why I had been blessed with such a powerful testimony of the Atonement. Again, a gentle thought came into my mind that this had been in answer to my prayers. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find” (Matt. 7:7). Even though I had been praying for more understanding of the Atonement, I had failed to see a direct answer to my prayer until that reminder came to me.
I know Heavenly Father loves each of us and wants us to repent of our shortcomings and also to rid ourselves of feelings of discouragement. How grateful I am for the Atonement, which brings healing and forgiveness into our lives

Love From Dixie

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Reservoir

This is a continuation of The Invitation, a  previously posted blog challenge.  We are now on Day 7.  Please feel free to read the other days and start at anytime! Incorporate this challenge to fit you!  Weekly, monthly, daily however it will work for you!   All material is original blog material written by Dixie. ( I just borrowed the idea ;)   Scripture suggestions are from my personal study, all thoughts and challenges are from my personal history and my future as I too continue to strive for more closeness to Christ.

Thought for the day:  John Chapter Four……Jesus and his disciples passed through Samaira as they were traveling from Judea to Galilee.  In the City of Sychar they stopped at Jacob’s well, “there comenth a woman of Samaira to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, give me to drink.” For his diciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.  “Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, how is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me which am a woman of Samaira?  For the Jews have no dealings iwth the samaritians.  “Jesus answered and said unto her, if thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.  “the woman saith unto him, sir, thou has nothing to draw with, and the well is deep; from whence then hast thou that living water?… “Jesus answered and said unto her, whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again, but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst but the water that I shall give him be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life”
This living water referred to is a representation of the Lord Jesus Christ and his gospel.  And as water is neccessary to sustain physical life, so the Savior and His doctrines, principles and ordinacnes are essential for eterenal life.  You and I need his living water daily and in ample supply to sustain our ongoing spiritual growth and development.  The Scriptures contain the words of Chrsit and are a reservoir of living water to which we have ready access and from which we can drink deeply and long.  You and I must look to and come unto Christ, who is the fountain of living waters. by reading, studying, searching, and feasting upon the words of Christ contained in the holy scriptures.  By doing so, we can recieve both spiritual direction and protection during our mortal journey. – David Bednar

Penny in the shoe:  everytime you feel the penny in your shoe today remind yourself to use this Sabbath day to drink from the reservoir of living waters, remember to read….

Challenge for the day:  Develope a personnal scripture study pattern that will most benifit you the.  Remember the quality of time out weighs the length.  

Do What You Can

One Church member tried many times to follow specific programs for scripture study, but it was always difficult for her. She later reflected:
“It seemed that with trying to raise a family and fulfill my Church responsibilities, I never completely reached the goal. I would designate a certain time and place to study each day, only to have the schedule interrupted by the needs of children who were ill or other crises typical of a growing family. During that time of my life, I never really thought of myself as someone who was good at scripture study.
“Then one day my mother was in my home. She looked at a large table which was covered with Church materials—among them my scriptures—and said, ‘I love the way you are always reading your scriptures. They always seem to be open on one table or another.’
“Suddenly I had a new vision of myself. She was right. I was consistently into my scriptures, even though it was not part of a formal study program. I loved the scriptures. They fed me. There were scripture verses tacked to my kitchen walls that lifted me as I worked, scriptures I was helping my children memorize for talks they would give. I lived in a world of scripture reading, and I realized that I was being nourished abundantly.”

Suggessted Scriputre Reading:  (reading made easy just click a link)
Luke 24:32  John 5:39  Matt. 22:29  2 Tim. 3:15 2 Pet. 1:20–21)  2 Ne. 32:3  Hel. 15:7–8

Journaling Thought:  Do I feel the thirst for the word of God as I should?

Developing a Personal Plan to Study the Gospel

 “It is incumbent upon each of us to do everything we can to increase our spiritual knowledge and understanding by studying the scriptures and the words of the living prophets. When we read and study the revelations, the Spirit can confirm in our hearts the truth of what we are learning; in this way, the voice of the Lord speaks to each one of us” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1998, 40–41; or Ensign, May 1998, 32).Elder M. Russell Ballard
The following suggestions can help you develop a study plan to “increase [your] spiritual knowledge and understanding,” as Elder Ballard counseled. Your plan should not be overwhelming, but it should help you be consistent in your gospel study. You may want to record your plan in a journal or notebook so you will not forget it.

What to Study

Center your gospel study on the scriptures. You may choose to study a book of scripture in its entirety, or you may focus on one or more subjects, reading what all the standard works say about them. You may combine these two methods, studying a book of scripture and focusing on topics and themes as you find them. You should also study the teachings of latter-day prophets in general conference addresses and Church magazines.
If you have a calling as a teacher, your lesson manual is an essential part of your study plan.
You should also consider including the following in your gospel study: (1) the course material for Melchizedek Priesthood and Relief Society, (2) assigned scripture passages for the Gospel Doctrine class in Sunday School, and (3) articles in Church magazines.

When to Study

If possible, set a regular time when you can study without interruption. Elder Howard W. Hunter counseled:
“Many find that the best time to study is in the morning after a night’s rest has cleared the mind of the many cares that interrupt thought. Others prefer to study in the quiet hours after the work and worries of the day are over and brushed aside, thus ending the day with a peace and tranquillity that comes by communion with the scriptures.
“Perhaps what is more important than the hour of the day is that a regular time be set aside for study. It would be ideal if an hour could be spent each day; but if that much cannot be had, a half hour on a regular basis would result in substantial accomplishment. A quarter of an hour is little time, but it is surprising how much enlightenment and knowledge can be acquired in a subject so meaningful” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1979, 91–92; or Ensign, Nov. 1979, 64).

How to Study

Before you begin to study, pray for insight and understanding. Ponder what you read, and look for ways to apply it in your life. Learn to recognize and hearken to the promptings of the Spirit.
Consider using some or all of the following ideas to enhance your study:
  • Use the Topical Guide, the Bible Dictionary…
  • As you read, ask yourself, “What gospel principle is taught in this passage? How can I apply this in my life?”
  • Have a notebook or journal available so you can record your thoughts and feelings. Commit yourself in writing to apply what you learn. Frequently review the thoughts you have recorded.
  • Before reading a chapter of scripture, review the chapter heading. This will give you some things to look for in the chapter.
  • Mark and annotate your scriptures. In the margins write scripture references that clarify the passages you are studying.
  • Memorize verses that are particularly meaningful to you.
  • Substitute your name in a verse of scripture to personalize it.
  • After studying, offer a prayer to express thanks for what you have learned.
  • Share what you learn. As you do this, your thoughts will become clearer and your power of retention will increase.
We can do this, and we will feel the spirit in our lives!
Love from Dixie

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

A Day of Prayer

A continuation of the Invitation, a 14 day challenge to walk with Christ. This is Day two.

 All material is original blog material written by Dixie.  Scripture suggestions are from my personal study, all thoughts and challenges are from my personal history and my future as I too continue to strive for more closeness to Christ.
Don’t forget to keep the penny in your shoe! And to Read!  Here are the goals for the day:

Challenge :  Fill your day with prayer.  Each time you feel the penny in your shoe, take a minute to have  sincere prayer in your heart.  Spend a little more time in the morning and in the evening talking to AND listening, sincerely, as you develop more deeply your relationship with our Father and his Son.

Suggested Scripture Reading:  Mathew 6: 6-7, Mathew 7: 7-8, Romans 8:26, Psalm 46: 1, Alma 13: 28-29, Alma 37: 36-37, D&C 9: 7-8

Journaling Prompts:  Do I place the affection of my heart upon the Lord?  Do I Pray with integrity? Do I stop and listen, do I listen and do?

Keep in mind:  “Answers to prayer come in many ways. They often come through the still, small voice of the Holy Ghost. They may come in the circumstances of our lives or through the kind acts of those around us. As we continue to draw near to our Heavenly Father through prayer, we will recognize more readily His merciful and wise answers to our pleadings. We will find that He is our “refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
When I was a little child, my parents taught me by example to pray. I began with a picture in my mind of Heavenly Father being far away. As I have matured, my experience with prayer has changed. The picture in my mind has become one of a Heavenly Father who is close by, who is bathed in a bright light, and who knows me perfectly.”
—Henry B. Eyring
“Exhort Them to Pray,” Ensign, Feb. 2012, 4

Thoughts for the day:
A man died and was resurrected and waiting in a room to be interviewed.  Another man was ahead of him.  The door opened, the man entered, and the door closed.  The man on the outside could hear the conversation on the other side of the door as the interview began:  “I want you to tell me do you know Jesus Christ?” said the interviewer to the man.
“Well, said the man, ” he was born in Bethlehem and he lived 35 years, spending the last three organizing the church, choosing his Apostles, and teaching the gospel to direct our lives…..”  The interviewer stopped him and said, ” Yes yes, that’s all true, but I want you to tell me do you know Jesus Christ? ”
“Well”, said the man, “he suffered and died so that we could have eternal life.  Three days later he was resurrected so that we might return to Heavenly Father…..”
“Yes, yes that is true,” said the interviewer, “but I want you to tell me do you know him, do you know Jesus Christ.”
The man, a little perplexed began again, “well, he restored the gospel in its fullness to the earth through Joseph Smith, reorganized his church, gave us temples so we can do work to save our dead.  He gave us personal ordinances for our salvation and exaltation……”
The interviewer again stopped him and said, “All that you have told me is true, thank you.” The man was then invited to leave the room.
After he left, the door opened and the second man entered.  As he approached the interviewer, he looked upon him to see his face while feeling  his countenance; then he fell upon his knees, and he cried,  “My Lord, my God…”

This will be a great day!
Love from Dixie

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Invitation

The only way we can really know another person is to walk in his shoes, think what he thinks, learn what he knows, say what he would say and do what he would do.  Christ said "come follwe me".  And with that said I have an invitation for you.  One to walk with Christ.

This is a 14 day challenge which this blog marks day one. And for two weeks I invite you to follow our Savior in all that you do and say by tyring this challenge and reading the following instructions.

 All material is original blog material written by Dixie.  Scripture suggestions are from my personal study, all thoughts and challenges are from my personal history and my future as I too continue to strive for more closeness to Christ.

First: Each morning make time to read the scriptures even if you only have time for a line or two, a verse, anything, just start your day with the scriptures, I will list a scripture suggestion that goes along with the topic for the day, but of course you may choose to read anywhere you like, just read and also review the challenge posted in this blog for the day.  Then drop a penny in your shoe, (everyday) remembering that the penny says "In God We Trust".

Throughout the day the penny may bother you, but it is intended to be a constant reminder that you are trusting in God whatever the day may bring.  As you go about your day, reflect on the challenge given and the things you've read; at the end of the day jot a note in your journal or blog, or if you like leave a comment here; even just a few words somewhere on your feelings for that day.  At the end of the two weeks you can read those enteries and see your progress and see the diffrence and changes in your heart and mind.  Also , you can share with others your thoughts and this challenge,  that they too may feel a difference and support from the Savior in their lives.

I have faith that the next 14 days will bring us closer to Christ and help us to walk as he does, with confidence in teh future, with an abiding faith in our Heavenly Father, and with a genuine love for others. 

It is a great challenge indeed, and you might say you don't have time, we all have such busy lives, yet, our lives would not be our lives without the Savior, so let us just take a minute or two and try this and see how we get on.; I will be particpating as well and my journal entries will be in this blog and well as my personnal  journal. :)  I will begin tomorrow with day one and I hope you will too.  Again please feel free to leave comments on your thoughts and feelings as well, one never knows who is reading a blog, and it just might help someone in need.   Now on to Day one which you can start at anytime after reading this!

Day One:  An Invitation to Walk with Christ

Scripture suggestions:  John 8:12, John 10:27-28, Romans Chapter 5, 2 Nephi 31: 12-13

Challenge for Day One:  Concentrate on walking WITH Christ.  STrive to act as he would.  EAch time you feel the penny in your shoe, have a prayer in your heart.

Thought for the day:  From Thomas S Monson Ensign Magazine September 1992

 "One evening I happened to glance at a travel brrochure that had arrived at my home.  It was printed in breathtaking color and written with persuasive skill.  The reader was invited to visit the Fjords of Norway and the Alps of Switerland, all in one packaged tour.  Yet another offering beconed the reader to Bethelehem, even the Holy Land, cradle of Christianity.  The closing lines of the Brochure's message contained the simple yet powwerful appeal, "Come and walk where Jesus walked."  My thoughts turned to the counsel God's prophets provided:  "Follow the pathway of the Lord,  walk in His footsepts."  I reflected on the words penned by the poet:

 I walked today where Jesus walked.  In days of long ago
I wandered down each path he knew, with revrent step and slow
Those little lanes they have not changed, a sweet peace fills the air
I walked today where Jesus walked and felt His presence there
I knelt today where Jesus knelt where all alone he prayed
the Garden of Gethsemane my heart felt unafraid
I picked my heavy burden up and with Him by my side
 I climbed the Hill of Calvary where on the Cross he died
 I walked today where Jesus walked and felt him close to me

In a very real sense, all can walk where Jesus walked when, with His words on our lips, His spirit in our hearts, and His teachings in our lives, we journey through mortality.  I would hope that we would walk as He walked, with conficdense in the future, with an abiding faith in His Father and with a genuine love for others."

I hope you all enjoy this and in the end we all come closer to Christ

With Love from Dixie