Monday, February 2, 2015

The Invitation

The only way we can really know another person is to walk in his shoes, think what he thinks, learn what he knows, say what he would say and do what he would do.  Christ said "come follwe me".  And with that said I have an invitation for you.  One to walk with Christ.

This is a 14 day challenge which this blog marks day one. And for two weeks I invite you to follow our Savior in all that you do and say by tyring this challenge and reading the following instructions.

 All material is original blog material written by Dixie.  Scripture suggestions are from my personal study, all thoughts and challenges are from my personal history and my future as I too continue to strive for more closeness to Christ.

First: Each morning make time to read the scriptures even if you only have time for a line or two, a verse, anything, just start your day with the scriptures, I will list a scripture suggestion that goes along with the topic for the day, but of course you may choose to read anywhere you like, just read and also review the challenge posted in this blog for the day.  Then drop a penny in your shoe, (everyday) remembering that the penny says "In God We Trust".

Throughout the day the penny may bother you, but it is intended to be a constant reminder that you are trusting in God whatever the day may bring.  As you go about your day, reflect on the challenge given and the things you've read; at the end of the day jot a note in your journal or blog, or if you like leave a comment here; even just a few words somewhere on your feelings for that day.  At the end of the two weeks you can read those enteries and see your progress and see the diffrence and changes in your heart and mind.  Also , you can share with others your thoughts and this challenge,  that they too may feel a difference and support from the Savior in their lives.

I have faith that the next 14 days will bring us closer to Christ and help us to walk as he does, with confidence in teh future, with an abiding faith in our Heavenly Father, and with a genuine love for others. 

It is a great challenge indeed, and you might say you don't have time, we all have such busy lives, yet, our lives would not be our lives without the Savior, so let us just take a minute or two and try this and see how we get on.; I will be particpating as well and my journal entries will be in this blog and well as my personnal  journal. :)  I will begin tomorrow with day one and I hope you will too.  Again please feel free to leave comments on your thoughts and feelings as well, one never knows who is reading a blog, and it just might help someone in need.   Now on to Day one which you can start at anytime after reading this!

Day One:  An Invitation to Walk with Christ

Scripture suggestions:  John 8:12, John 10:27-28, Romans Chapter 5, 2 Nephi 31: 12-13

Challenge for Day One:  Concentrate on walking WITH Christ.  STrive to act as he would.  EAch time you feel the penny in your shoe, have a prayer in your heart.

Thought for the day:  From Thomas S Monson Ensign Magazine September 1992

 "One evening I happened to glance at a travel brrochure that had arrived at my home.  It was printed in breathtaking color and written with persuasive skill.  The reader was invited to visit the Fjords of Norway and the Alps of Switerland, all in one packaged tour.  Yet another offering beconed the reader to Bethelehem, even the Holy Land, cradle of Christianity.  The closing lines of the Brochure's message contained the simple yet powwerful appeal, "Come and walk where Jesus walked."  My thoughts turned to the counsel God's prophets provided:  "Follow the pathway of the Lord,  walk in His footsepts."  I reflected on the words penned by the poet:

 I walked today where Jesus walked.  In days of long ago
I wandered down each path he knew, with revrent step and slow
Those little lanes they have not changed, a sweet peace fills the air
I walked today where Jesus walked and felt His presence there
I knelt today where Jesus knelt where all alone he prayed
the Garden of Gethsemane my heart felt unafraid
I picked my heavy burden up and with Him by my side
 I climbed the Hill of Calvary where on the Cross he died
 I walked today where Jesus walked and felt him close to me

In a very real sense, all can walk where Jesus walked when, with His words on our lips, His spirit in our hearts, and His teachings in our lives, we journey through mortality.  I would hope that we would walk as He walked, with conficdense in the future, with an abiding faith in His Father and with a genuine love for others."

I hope you all enjoy this and in the end we all come closer to Christ

With Love from Dixie