Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Gift


Baptism as we know, when performed by one holding authority, washes away sin. We are buried in the depths of water as if dead and come out alive and new. At the very moment we emerge, we are clean every whit, we are new, and as children of our loving Heavenly Father, the goal is to stay as new as possible, even perfect, from that moment on, and throughout our mortal lives.

We know, however, that this is not possible, for we are human and not perfect. We do ere in our ways, but as the loving Heavenly Father that He is, He has prepared help, and never leaves us comfortless, or in need. There is always a way provided for us to do our very best and to achieve our desired goals.

To help us Father has given us a specific gift. This is not a gift just anyone can receive, this is a gift direct from God and is so special, that it can only be received like baptism, from those with the authority to give it. A worthy priesthood holder must be the one who not only performs baptism, but will also use the laying on of hands that we might receive this gift, as a token of our decision to come unto Christ and accept baptism and make covenants with Father in Heaven.

The gift is the gift of the Holy Ghost, who is a personage, or a spirit, that has been called of God to the specific calling of helping His children. He is a real spirit being that is with us always, in our minds, in our hearts, and in our lives. Its what the world might call our conscience, but as a gift from God he is even stronger and more powerful, and again, he is real.

It's a gift to not take lightly, for it is one of the greatest of all and will be lifesaving in our journeys, providing us with spiritual strength and inspiration, as well as helping us to recognize and understand the truth of all things. He will comfort us in difficult times and guide our decisions large and small as we work to bring ourselves and our families through the trenches of earth’s life to arrive safely back in the arms of God.

This gift is so powerful and so strong, and so real, that it will bring us the feeling of God’s love and we will recognize it and know beyond a doubt that He knows each of us by name, He and His Son Jesus Christ; and this will influence our daily lives in ways we can only begin to imagine.

John 14:26 teaches specifically of this truth stating: “the comforter which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you.”

However, though this is a gift and given freely to everyone upon baptism into His true church, it is conditional. Our ability to enjoy this divine gift depends on our obedience to Gods’ commandments.

The Holy Ghost is just that, holy, and cannot remain with those who do not live according to God’s teachings. If we drift or choose to continue in sin we lose the privilege of his guidance and inspiration. Therefore, it is extremely important from the moment we emerge from the waters of baptism, that we remain clean and pure and always strive to be worthy of his companionship.

Now let me stress the phrase ALWAYS STRIVE. If you are always striving to do our best and to live the gospel, he will never leave us and we WILL be lead. Do we have to be perfect, NO, we cannot. We only must be doing your sincere best and as we grow in the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ, as we gain knowledge, we will become stronger and stronger and the straight and narrow way laid before us will be a relief to travel and we will find the peace that comes with this gift.

Striving to keep the spirit with us can sometimes be overwhelming and confusing, but remember, we are never left without direction or comfortless. In our desire to keep the Holly Ghost with us, and to live the commandments to the best of our ability, the Sacrament has been provided as a reminder of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. The bread is His body and the water is His blood, and as we partake repenting of transgressions, we are promised to have the Holy Ghost continually with us. When we honestly and sincerely partake of the Sacrament each week, repenting daily in our prayers with a focus on the Atonement, we recommit ourselves to Jesus Christ in the same way that we do at baptism and we are then able to move forward in our progression.

As you, my friend, upon your baptism today, or your baptism in the past, are honest and sincere before God, covenanting before Him, I know that you will feel the gift of the Holy Ghost as it is given unto you, and your life will be, not perfect, but will change and your heart will be strengthened.

I testify of the truth of these things, that God our Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ are real, that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is His true church upon the earth today, and that He indeed, knows each of us by name and will never leave us alone. The gift of the Holy Ghost is real, enjoy his company as you come unto the fold and continue life as a child of God.

Author Note: Talk written for Baptism August 2020 adapted for blog audience

References: Gospel Principles

Sunday, March 8, 2015

I Was Just Thinking.....

I was thinking last week that I needed to write a blog entitled "Mormon Dictionary" Because although we as Mormons share with other Christian faiths a vocabulary of biblical terms, we also have a diverse language of our own and sometimes even those who are members don't fully understand some meanings.   I would include those words and phrases that are very and most times uniquely Latter-Day Saint that sometimes have a more in-depth meaning such as free agency, foreordination, plan of salvation, patriarchal blessing, and my personal favorite eternal perspective.

I chose eternal perspective as my favorite "Mormon word" because even the flow of it from the mouth seems to ring out a sound of hope and escape from a world of death and pain.  We are taught, as we come to baptism and membership in the church to think not worldly, or presently, but eternally; that we might develop an eternal perspective to comfort and strengthen us in our daily living until our work upon this earth is done.  How peaceful the thought.... life is not just today or tomorrow, it is, forever....

After thinking about that, and how those two words seem to flow into one, I googled the word perspective just to see what came up and this is what particularly struck me of the several definitions:  "Perspective, a true understanding of the relative importance of things..."  Then I googled the word eternal and got " valid for all time; essentially unchanging..." If we put the two meanings together to fit our word we have, "eternal perspective: a true understanding of the relative importance of things that are unchanging, and valid for all time."  Next I "Mormoniszed it and this is what wI came up with: "eternal perspective: a true understanding and knowledge of the relative importance of the gospel of Jesus Christ which is unchanging and valid for all time."  I say then that this is not only a beautiful Mormon word, but indeed a very important one, one that stems from our core.

As Latter-day saints we belive in forever, and as we grow in our knowledge of the gospel,  it should be our goal to conduct our lives on earth in a forever manner.  Eternal life, when considering an eternal perspective is the greatest of all gifts from God.  It is reserved for those who believe and obey.  It is our hope of a better life to come that enables us to stand against the trials and temptations of the world.  When we gain an eternal perspective of where we come from, why we are here and what lies ahead, we are able to better govern our choices while here on earth.

After pondering these things and this word I'd chosen as my favorite, I thought about myself.  When Sunday comes I am in that thinking mode.  Its time to keep the day holy, to make good choices, to ready myself for spiritual enlightenment.  I gear up for a day of service and love and make my choices based on the eternal principles that I know to be true.  But, what about the rest of the week.  What is it like when I walk out of this building following the meetings and go out into the world to make preparing ourselves to return to Heavenly Father.  What are my thoughts like when faced with decision-making throughout the work week. When faced with big challenges and choices I always remember what I've learned.  I  call upon the Lord and fast and pray and find a way with the help of the Savior to make the right decision, one that will have a positive impact not only in this life but the life to come.   My question for myself then was what about the other choices, how do I react in my day-to-day interactions, are the choices I make, even the little ones,  in keeping with that eternal perspective?  It as while thinking about this and searching and studying that I found a story.....

A certain man, having lived a long and productive life, was getting ready to meet his Maker. One night he had a dream during which he was told that because he had been generous with his considerable worldly wealth he would be permitted to take his most valued possession with him when he passed on to the other world. The next morning, the old man set out to put his affairs in order. He liquidated his assets and gave half of all he had to charities and other good purposes. The other half he had converted into gold bars. Upon his death, Saint Peter met him and welcomed him to his new home. But when he noticed the large and heavy bag that the man was carrying, Saint Peter reminded him that no one could bring any earthly goods with them to this place. The old man described his dream and indicated that he had been given special permission to bring this treasure with him.  “Okay,” said Saint Peter, “if you have permission. But may I see what you chose as your greatest treasure?” When Saint Peter looked into the bag, he stepped back in amazement and questioned, “For your treasure you brought pavement?”

This story is all about how things can be seen while here on earth.  And when thinking about it are we at many times not unlike this man waiting at the pearly gates with his bags of gold.  As humans, we tend sometimes, to cling to things and ideas that seem so valuable and important, yet in the end, may really be quite worthless.  It is very important that we not assume the perspectives of mortality in making decisions that bear our eternity. We need to understand that we cannot do the Lord's work in the worlds way.  If we really believe that God is real, it should begin to change, or determine all of our thinking, and even the small choices can begin to be made with an eternal perspective.

The scriptures can teach us so much about keeping an eternal perspective in our day-to-day interactions and one story that sticks out in my mind is that of Esau in Genesis Chapter 25.  When reading about him, we learn that arriving home one day from a hunting expedition, a famished Esau longed for his brother’s food. “Feed me, I pray thee,” Esau pled (Gen. 25:30). Jacob agreed, but for a price: his brother’s birthright. The scripture says, “Esau despised his birthright” (Gen. 25:34).  and he says, upon request to sell it, "Behold I am at the point to die, what profit shall this birthright do to me?"  If by this Esau saw his birth right as pertaining only to this life, he did not have an eternal perspective which then influenced his choice most negatively.  So let us then ask ourselves daily, are we too selling our birthright with our choices?  Do we have an eternal perspective and does it influence all of our choices, or do we fall for the things of the world forgetting the Lord?

When we remember the Lord and keep the end goal im mind we gain great blessings, gifts and strength.  Daily as we choose with an eternal perspective, we will be blessed and comforted.  We will gain respect for the integrity of our steadfastness in gospel center choices such as not cursing, choosing our activities with care, and watching our temper.  We will have better health in living the word of wisdom, we will gain a personal peace in making and keeping sacred covenants with temple attendance,  Our homes will be a haven as we make them a place where the Lord can dwell.  The service we give to others through magnifying our church callings or otherwise will bring us knowledge and healing.  And Temporal trials, set backs or struggles become an opportunity to develop soul power.  In keeping an eternal perspective with our choices we gain great strength and forge through adversity developing faith that is life changing, that is strong and forever.
As most of you know I have identified myself as a connoisseur of trials.  I have personally lived through struggles that I belive no one should have to go through,  and that I thought I would never survive but when keeping my thoughts upon eternity my choices through these times became different from that of the world and I did survive, in fact I am a new person today because of them.  I really don't want to live through those trials again, but I am truly grateful for the teaching they gave me on keeping my eyes upon eternity always.  Now, my goal is to make my everyday choices even better and to treat them as I do the big things and make a choice based upon eternalness.  When I get cut off in Dallas traffic, when I work with someone who is difficult, when I am aggravated with things at home, when I am faced with temptations of being lax or lazy, when I am depressed and broken-hearted over the challenges of life, It will be my goal to remember to make the choices for the day, for the moment, with an eternal perspective; to choose the right, to choose for eternity and not the world.

It is my desire today, that your favorite Mormon word might to become eternal perspective.  That we may all become more determined to live by Heavenly Father's plan using our moral agency to make decisions based on truth and not on worldly standards.  That as we all draw farther from worldliness we will feel closer to Father in Heaven and more able to be guided by his spirit.

President Spencer W Kimball said, : If we live in such a way that the considerations of eternity press upon us, we will make better decisions."

My prayer is that not one of us will show up with pavement....

With Love, Dixie

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Warmth of Light

Here we are at day 14, the last day of our challenge the last day of our walk with Jesus, but is it really?  Is it really our last day?  It doesn’t have to be, for everyday he walks with us.  So then, let us acknowledge His presence and welcome His company.  Let us continue this journey that we may gain greater light and knowledge, that we may live everyday with peace, with comfort, with hope……

If your just joining this series, this is a continuation of The Invitation, a  previously posted blog challenge to walk with Jesus.  Please feel free to read the other days and start at anytime! Incorporate this challenge to fit you!  Weekly, monthly, daily however it will work for you!   All material is original blog material written by Dixie. ( I just borrowed the idea ;)   Scripture suggestions are from my personal study, all thoughts and challenges are from my personal history and my future as I too continue to strive for more closeness to Christ.

Thought for the day:  As we acknowledge the presence of Christ in our life, let us realize that the light of Christ resides in all, in everyone that has ever been born.  It is an unconditional gift that is given to us freely, that we may endure this test of life, that we may know good from evil, that we may never be alone.
“The scriptures tell us that the Light of Christ, which “proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space,” is “the light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God.”  It is manifested in the light of the sun, moon, and stars and is the power by which they and the earth were made. It is also the light that quickens our understanding. the Light of Christ “is the agency of God’s power; it is the means and way whereby ‘he comprehendeth all things,’ so that ‘all things are before him, and all things are round about him.’ It is the way whereby ‘he is above all things, and in all things, and is through all things, and is round about all things. – Bruce R McConkie  
One manifestation of the light of Christ is conscience, which helps  us choose between right and wrong,  and as we learn more about the gospel, our consciences becomes more sensitive; giving us a desire to do good. This will help us understand truth and help to put us on that gospel path which leads to salvation. Greater understanding about the Light of Christ will come to us as we obey the Lord and seek knowledge with pure intent. While we are growing in such knowledge, our greatest concern and effort should be to listen to and follow the voice of the Spirit that we might do the will of our Father in Heaven, to accomplish what he would have us do.

So then let us come unto Christ, let us live so that we invite always his light to reside with us. As we live daily and struggle daily, let our goal be to keep our hearts open to the promptings of his spirit and choose the right which will strengthen us; and let our minds be filled with knowledge that we may never forget that we are not alone.  No matter what we struggle we are not alone, if we allow him, he will walk with us continually….

15 “For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain, that ye may know with a perfect knowledge, as the daylight is from the dark night.
 16 For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.
 17 But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him.
 18 And now, my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully; for with that same judgment which ye judge ye shall also be judged.
 19 Wherefore, I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently in the light of Christ that ye may know good from evil; and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not, ye certainly will be a child of Christ.” – Moro. 7:15–19

Penny in the shoe: today, when you feel the penny in your shoe remember that no matter what you are struggling with, there is always hope, there is always hope if we come unto Christ….

Challenge for the day:  Choose Ye therefore Christ the Lord.  Live today so that anyone who sees you, who knows you, but doesn’t know him, will want to know him because they know you……

Suggested Scripture Reading: (reading made easy click to view) John 1:4–9 John 8:12 Ps. 27:1  Isa. 2:5  Isa. 60:19 John 3:19–21Alma 38:9

Journaling Thought: How has the last 14 days affected my life,  have I been more aware of His love?


With Love,

Friday, February 13, 2015

Beside Me.....

We are now on Day 12, only two more challenge days to go.  Has your heart been touched, has this been of benefit to you, did you find it interesting, has it helped in scripture study?  These are questions I ask myself and would like also to ask you.  Anything you would like to share would be wonderful.  At the end of the 14 days I will do a summary of my thoughts throughout the challenge and what it has done for me, but I can tell you that just the study and preparation I’ve done so that I can post these for you, has been fulfilling for me and I have greatly benefited, I hope it is and will be the same for you as you read and ponder, and  thank you for reading!  May the Spirit of the Lord be with us all!

Thought for the day:  The process of conversion is not an overnight change.  It is an ongoing continual process with peaks and valleys and as we continue to strive to be closer to the Lord, our desires become different, our thoughts change and we become more like him.  But the question is today, is this our thinking at all times, in all places and in all things.  I chose about 5 years ago to stop watching certain tv shows and movies.  I chose not to watch movies that are rated R, and am very careful about PG13 as that can be just as bad.  I also stopped watching tv shows that don’t have my value system, that contain strong language, sexual scenes, violence and so on.  I did this because one day out of the blue, while watching the Sopranos, I looked up at the picture of Christ on the wall staring at me.  I could feel a presence with me and suddenly I could no longer watch the show, it wasn’t right and I thought, if the Lord were here right now would he be watching this show???  No, no he wouldn’t, it’s not the kind of show that is conducive to the spirit.  And then I thought, ” I bet Thomas S Monson doesn’t watch this either ” ;) so my life changed.  I stopped watching tv basically at all except for a less than a handful of decent shows.  I went through my movie collection and got rid of “beloved” classics like Grease, Saturday Night Fever, anything rated R that wasn’t of a historical nature, (some historical war movies are rated R because they are of war, I have some but they are not bad, but let it be said I am quite picky :)  I also started watching my language.  And even words like Sucks and Freakin left my vocabulary.  I often wonder if people really thought about what the word sucks means, would they be using it knowing that the Savior could appear at any minute standing next to them.  If the Savior were physically beside you on a daily basis would he be accepting and approving of your choices, in music, tv, movies, talk, actions and it’s not just these things, it also includes gossip, back biting, rudeness, selfishness and so on and so on…..I said one night to my husband as he watched a show that I really didn’t want to be a part of, “Do you think we ought to be watching this, the language is very bad not to mention the other aspects.”  He said to me, “if we stop watching things that have bad language in it we might as well not watch tv.”  that made me very sad.  Why should I lower my standards just to watch tv, tv should bring their standards up to meet ours.  It also made me sad to think of how many of us, are just moving along accepting political correctness just to fit in or to have something to do.  We are taught that we are to lead our lives so that the spirit will want to dwell with us and so that if the Lord came tonight, he would dwell in our homes. We must try to be less worldy and selfish in our desires and actions.   As Christians we need to try harder to be Christians and stand with the values Christ has taught us.

Penny in the shoe:  When you feel the Penny in your shoe, imagine Him next to you, because he is…. are your thoughts, actions and words appropriate for His presence…..

Challenge for the day:  Make a change, you can’t do it all at once, so pick one area, and make that change even for one day.  Choose to clean your language, choose not to gossip, choose to change the channel, choose to walk with Christ…’ll feel the difference immediately…..

Suggested Scripture Reading:  (reading made easy, click a link to view)  Matthew 25:1–13  Matthew 5:14–16

Journaling Thought:  How will developing Christlike attributes help me fulfill my purpose in this life…..

If The Savior Stood Beside Me

If the Savior stood beside me,
Would I do the things I do?
Would I think of His commandments and try harder to be true?
Would I follow His example?
Would I live more righteously if I could see the Savior standing nigh,
watching over me?
If the Savior stood beside me,
Would I say the things I say?
Would my words be true and kind if He were never far away?
Would I try to share the gospel?
Would I speak more rev’rently if I could see the Savior standing nigh,
watching over me?
If the Savior stood beside me, would my thoughts be clean and pure?
Would His presence give me strength and hope and courage to endure?
Would His counsel guide my actions?
Would I choose more worthily if I could see the Savior standing nigh
watching over me?
Watching over me, watching over me,
He is always near me, though I do not see Him there,
And because He loves me dearly,
I am in His watchful care,
So I’ll be the kind of person that I know I’d like to be
if I could see the Savior standing nigh watching over me.
I will be the kind of person that I know I’d like to be
if I could see the Savior standing nigh watching over me.
Copyright © 2007 by Sally DeFord. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial home and church use. This notice must be included on each copy made.

Love From Dixie…..

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Reservoir

This is a continuation of The Invitation, a  previously posted blog challenge.  We are now on Day 7.  Please feel free to read the other days and start at anytime! Incorporate this challenge to fit you!  Weekly, monthly, daily however it will work for you!   All material is original blog material written by Dixie. ( I just borrowed the idea ;)   Scripture suggestions are from my personal study, all thoughts and challenges are from my personal history and my future as I too continue to strive for more closeness to Christ.

Thought for the day:  John Chapter Four……Jesus and his disciples passed through Samaira as they were traveling from Judea to Galilee.  In the City of Sychar they stopped at Jacob’s well, “there comenth a woman of Samaira to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, give me to drink.” For his diciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat.  “Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, how is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me which am a woman of Samaira?  For the Jews have no dealings iwth the samaritians.  “Jesus answered and said unto her, if thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.  “the woman saith unto him, sir, thou has nothing to draw with, and the well is deep; from whence then hast thou that living water?… “Jesus answered and said unto her, whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again, but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst but the water that I shall give him be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life”
This living water referred to is a representation of the Lord Jesus Christ and his gospel.  And as water is neccessary to sustain physical life, so the Savior and His doctrines, principles and ordinacnes are essential for eterenal life.  You and I need his living water daily and in ample supply to sustain our ongoing spiritual growth and development.  The Scriptures contain the words of Chrsit and are a reservoir of living water to which we have ready access and from which we can drink deeply and long.  You and I must look to and come unto Christ, who is the fountain of living waters. by reading, studying, searching, and feasting upon the words of Christ contained in the holy scriptures.  By doing so, we can recieve both spiritual direction and protection during our mortal journey. – David Bednar

Penny in the shoe:  everytime you feel the penny in your shoe today remind yourself to use this Sabbath day to drink from the reservoir of living waters, remember to read….

Challenge for the day:  Develope a personnal scripture study pattern that will most benifit you the.  Remember the quality of time out weighs the length.  

Do What You Can

One Church member tried many times to follow specific programs for scripture study, but it was always difficult for her. She later reflected:
“It seemed that with trying to raise a family and fulfill my Church responsibilities, I never completely reached the goal. I would designate a certain time and place to study each day, only to have the schedule interrupted by the needs of children who were ill or other crises typical of a growing family. During that time of my life, I never really thought of myself as someone who was good at scripture study.
“Then one day my mother was in my home. She looked at a large table which was covered with Church materials—among them my scriptures—and said, ‘I love the way you are always reading your scriptures. They always seem to be open on one table or another.’
“Suddenly I had a new vision of myself. She was right. I was consistently into my scriptures, even though it was not part of a formal study program. I loved the scriptures. They fed me. There were scripture verses tacked to my kitchen walls that lifted me as I worked, scriptures I was helping my children memorize for talks they would give. I lived in a world of scripture reading, and I realized that I was being nourished abundantly.”

Suggessted Scriputre Reading:  (reading made easy just click a link)
Luke 24:32  John 5:39  Matt. 22:29  2 Tim. 3:15 2 Pet. 1:20–21)  2 Ne. 32:3  Hel. 15:7–8

Journaling Thought:  Do I feel the thirst for the word of God as I should?

Developing a Personal Plan to Study the Gospel

 “It is incumbent upon each of us to do everything we can to increase our spiritual knowledge and understanding by studying the scriptures and the words of the living prophets. When we read and study the revelations, the Spirit can confirm in our hearts the truth of what we are learning; in this way, the voice of the Lord speaks to each one of us” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1998, 40–41; or Ensign, May 1998, 32).Elder M. Russell Ballard
The following suggestions can help you develop a study plan to “increase [your] spiritual knowledge and understanding,” as Elder Ballard counseled. Your plan should not be overwhelming, but it should help you be consistent in your gospel study. You may want to record your plan in a journal or notebook so you will not forget it.

What to Study

Center your gospel study on the scriptures. You may choose to study a book of scripture in its entirety, or you may focus on one or more subjects, reading what all the standard works say about them. You may combine these two methods, studying a book of scripture and focusing on topics and themes as you find them. You should also study the teachings of latter-day prophets in general conference addresses and Church magazines.
If you have a calling as a teacher, your lesson manual is an essential part of your study plan.
You should also consider including the following in your gospel study: (1) the course material for Melchizedek Priesthood and Relief Society, (2) assigned scripture passages for the Gospel Doctrine class in Sunday School, and (3) articles in Church magazines.

When to Study

If possible, set a regular time when you can study without interruption. Elder Howard W. Hunter counseled:
“Many find that the best time to study is in the morning after a night’s rest has cleared the mind of the many cares that interrupt thought. Others prefer to study in the quiet hours after the work and worries of the day are over and brushed aside, thus ending the day with a peace and tranquillity that comes by communion with the scriptures.
“Perhaps what is more important than the hour of the day is that a regular time be set aside for study. It would be ideal if an hour could be spent each day; but if that much cannot be had, a half hour on a regular basis would result in substantial accomplishment. A quarter of an hour is little time, but it is surprising how much enlightenment and knowledge can be acquired in a subject so meaningful” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1979, 91–92; or Ensign, Nov. 1979, 64).

How to Study

Before you begin to study, pray for insight and understanding. Ponder what you read, and look for ways to apply it in your life. Learn to recognize and hearken to the promptings of the Spirit.
Consider using some or all of the following ideas to enhance your study:
  • Use the Topical Guide, the Bible Dictionary…
  • As you read, ask yourself, “What gospel principle is taught in this passage? How can I apply this in my life?”
  • Have a notebook or journal available so you can record your thoughts and feelings. Commit yourself in writing to apply what you learn. Frequently review the thoughts you have recorded.
  • Before reading a chapter of scripture, review the chapter heading. This will give you some things to look for in the chapter.
  • Mark and annotate your scriptures. In the margins write scripture references that clarify the passages you are studying.
  • Memorize verses that are particularly meaningful to you.
  • Substitute your name in a verse of scripture to personalize it.
  • After studying, offer a prayer to express thanks for what you have learned.
  • Share what you learn. As you do this, your thoughts will become clearer and your power of retention will increase.
We can do this, and we will feel the spirit in our lives!
Love from Dixie

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Invitation

The only way we can really know another person is to walk in his shoes, think what he thinks, learn what he knows, say what he would say and do what he would do.  Christ said "come follwe me".  And with that said I have an invitation for you.  One to walk with Christ.

This is a 14 day challenge which this blog marks day one. And for two weeks I invite you to follow our Savior in all that you do and say by tyring this challenge and reading the following instructions.

 All material is original blog material written by Dixie.  Scripture suggestions are from my personal study, all thoughts and challenges are from my personal history and my future as I too continue to strive for more closeness to Christ.

First: Each morning make time to read the scriptures even if you only have time for a line or two, a verse, anything, just start your day with the scriptures, I will list a scripture suggestion that goes along with the topic for the day, but of course you may choose to read anywhere you like, just read and also review the challenge posted in this blog for the day.  Then drop a penny in your shoe, (everyday) remembering that the penny says "In God We Trust".

Throughout the day the penny may bother you, but it is intended to be a constant reminder that you are trusting in God whatever the day may bring.  As you go about your day, reflect on the challenge given and the things you've read; at the end of the day jot a note in your journal or blog, or if you like leave a comment here; even just a few words somewhere on your feelings for that day.  At the end of the two weeks you can read those enteries and see your progress and see the diffrence and changes in your heart and mind.  Also , you can share with others your thoughts and this challenge,  that they too may feel a difference and support from the Savior in their lives.

I have faith that the next 14 days will bring us closer to Christ and help us to walk as he does, with confidence in teh future, with an abiding faith in our Heavenly Father, and with a genuine love for others. 

It is a great challenge indeed, and you might say you don't have time, we all have such busy lives, yet, our lives would not be our lives without the Savior, so let us just take a minute or two and try this and see how we get on.; I will be particpating as well and my journal entries will be in this blog and well as my personnal  journal. :)  I will begin tomorrow with day one and I hope you will too.  Again please feel free to leave comments on your thoughts and feelings as well, one never knows who is reading a blog, and it just might help someone in need.   Now on to Day one which you can start at anytime after reading this!

Day One:  An Invitation to Walk with Christ

Scripture suggestions:  John 8:12, John 10:27-28, Romans Chapter 5, 2 Nephi 31: 12-13

Challenge for Day One:  Concentrate on walking WITH Christ.  STrive to act as he would.  EAch time you feel the penny in your shoe, have a prayer in your heart.

Thought for the day:  From Thomas S Monson Ensign Magazine September 1992

 "One evening I happened to glance at a travel brrochure that had arrived at my home.  It was printed in breathtaking color and written with persuasive skill.  The reader was invited to visit the Fjords of Norway and the Alps of Switerland, all in one packaged tour.  Yet another offering beconed the reader to Bethelehem, even the Holy Land, cradle of Christianity.  The closing lines of the Brochure's message contained the simple yet powwerful appeal, "Come and walk where Jesus walked."  My thoughts turned to the counsel God's prophets provided:  "Follow the pathway of the Lord,  walk in His footsepts."  I reflected on the words penned by the poet:

 I walked today where Jesus walked.  In days of long ago
I wandered down each path he knew, with revrent step and slow
Those little lanes they have not changed, a sweet peace fills the air
I walked today where Jesus walked and felt His presence there
I knelt today where Jesus knelt where all alone he prayed
the Garden of Gethsemane my heart felt unafraid
I picked my heavy burden up and with Him by my side
 I climbed the Hill of Calvary where on the Cross he died
 I walked today where Jesus walked and felt him close to me

In a very real sense, all can walk where Jesus walked when, with His words on our lips, His spirit in our hearts, and His teachings in our lives, we journey through mortality.  I would hope that we would walk as He walked, with conficdense in the future, with an abiding faith in His Father and with a genuine love for others."

I hope you all enjoy this and in the end we all come closer to Christ

With Love from Dixie